Sunday, November 3, 2013

Introduction to Science and Study USA

Welcome to Science and Study USA. My name is Arianne G. Rothrock. 

 I prefer to be known as Anna. I am 20 years of age. This blog mainly 

focuses on my interest in Academics such as Biology, Microbiology, Medical 

Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Theory, current events, and topic debate.

However, I feel it is necessary for you to understand the nature of my ideas 

that I explain the way my brain and psyche work.

      For most human minds, a message is sent to the brain, and it serves its 

purpose, thus causing the person to react in some way. When I hear or read 

something of interest, I continue to hear it repetitively in my mind for some 

time, even after it is no longer being read or spoken. It does depend on the 

item in question. If it is something potent to me and my knowledge, it tends to 

stay in my brain, as if the sentence or image is being flashed on a screen 

numerous times in a row 5x faster than the average brain can read or 
comprehend. Sometimes the thought will disappear within a matter of five 
minutes, other times it may take days or even weeks for it to stop flashing on
the screen and sounding on the loudspeaker. 
     This may seem like a positive 
function, however, it is extremely problematic. If anything appears distasteful 
to me in any way, I find it very difficult to enjoy a meal as the image is flashing 
so rapidly that I am unable to focus on the food in front of me, and every bite
enhances the dreadful thought raging in my brain. It is not only tastes that are
the problem. If two or more noises are occurring in a room, to me, the one with 
the lowest altitude overrides the sound with the highest altitude, and I find it 
very difficult to engage in the sound with the higher altitude.  On occasion, 
the troublesome sound will replay itself long after they have all dispersed. 
When I look at a person's facial expression, initially I almost always see anger, 
no matter what the true emotion may be. This is when I must reason with my
self and consider the circumstances. 
      If  there seems to be nothing that would  
cause him or her distress or irritation, I begin to solve a puzzle based on
clues in the atmosphere to determine the person's body language.
If there seems to be something that could be bothering the subject, I tend need
verification from him or her so that I can understand the determining factor
for this emotion. I find it difficult to identify these factors visually, I must
hear words in order for it to form an imprint and realization in my mind.
Certain visual stimuli is calming for me, such as objects that light up,
are filled with air, and/or are made of latex. 
     At times, I find it easier to understand certain inanimate objects rather than
people- A tennis ball does not do anything unpredictable. It is round, and will 
always be round. It rolls on the ground because of its shape. Humans  will do
things that have no explanation, and have unwritten rules that they follow 
religiously. I am expected to follow these rules, that have no explanation as to
when and why they were created
   For example, I walk on tiptoe. I do this because my  Achilles tendon is 
shorter than most, and I find it very difficult to balance on my heels.
Yet this is seen as wrong, because someone wrote a rule stating that it is
inappropriate to walk on tiptoe in public. I have gathered that in society,
anything that is not done by the mean of population is not acceptable.
Are we all destined to behave as one? We do what we are taught rather
than what our mind would like to do. Should our world be similar to that of
a pack of wolves, where everyone is a unit and not a singleton? 
     My mind is programmed to question everything. It works as a constant 
puzzle, when a problem arises, the explanations are many plugs
attached to the screen on which the item is flashing. I try various plugs
until one fits in the socket. At times, the answer is the question itself, and that
plug is behind the screen.
    While my brain allows certain topics to become relevant and "stick", others
do not, and I find it impossible to solve them. Such as sweeping. I very well 
understand why we must sweep, and I want to sweep. I want a clean home.
However, the motion of sweeping does not come naturally to me. 
 It is difficult to dance well, as I dance the way my body wants to, but I cannot copy another person's motions physically.                                      
     Directions, as in getting to and from a location, are  a very major problem for me. I cannot remember which path I took at the park or where the noodle aisle at the grocery store is.  Mainly because finding my way around a place is an action and not a comprehensive topic. I am very used to getting lost, but I usually continue walking until I finally reach my destination. This is the reason I make effort to arrive to appointments and my job early.
      So, I channel my abilities into researching topics of interest. Sometimes people ask me, "what made you want to research cancer specifically?" I like to respond that I did not voluntarily choose to research it. I have lost people to cancer, but I honestly cannot say that it sparked an interest. Studying cancer will not bring them back, and I  will not be able to help cure it right now as I am only starting college as a freshman in January. (My goal, however, is to eventually get my doctorate in Microbiology)Simply put, I often find myself  searching for information on the subject. 
     The main goal of this blog is to find more questions which flash on the screen, because my inner logic devours on them. Once I am able to find these, I will use trial and error to plug in the answer. I have my doubts as to if anyone will read this blog. As I said, it seems that the eccentric are the least understood. Humans would probably rather read a blog about celebrity gossip or sports. While misunderstanding is the basis of disappointment, it is also the basis of discovery. Once an individual is rejected, he or she becomes aware of the person they are, and they must learn to love themselves as they feel that they need acceptance. 

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